We have to faced our own mortality, our incurable incapableness

  • 7.06.2023

We can change the fate of humanity by the choice we make: will we continue with arrogance, or choose to humility? Can we change our way from the desert of materialism and greed to the oasis of the spiritual? Egosystem or ecosystem? Noisy ego or quiet ego? My answer is that we will choose what will repair us: less polarization, more understanding of the little pleasures of life and the moments of happiness hidden each other.

We must educate ourselves on the way of compassion and goodness. There will be severe aftershocks of this major disaster. The world cannot find a better turning point to start the “age of empathy” than this. This epidemic is “human’s declaration of weakness”. We are all so vulnerable and fragile. Just like a refugee. We are not safe in anywhere. Always a state of eeriness.

We have faced our own mortality, our incurable incapableness. If any good is to arise from this calamity, it will be if we can chast our desires well.

Wishing you a better life…