Materialism and happiness

  • 5.09.2023

In a 24/7 society where rest and work times do not diverge, the end time of work does not come. Moral responsibilities are standing aside for the sake of a career. The desire for social change and concern for common well-being has been replaced by consumption culture. This is the new opium of the masses. Since every activity is business, the measure of personal development will only be measured by economic performance. You have existed as much as you earn! Everything is measured by money, and selling yourself spreads to all areas of life. So much so that now we think love is something that can only be shown by spending money. Materialistic values contradict the desire to make the world a better place, to contribute to the establishment of equality and justice. Homo economicus, who pursues only monetary gain and interests, cares about social ties only as far as it serves one’s material interests. Enthusiasm, such as integration with nature and protection of the environment, is atrophied by materialism.