Activate your enthusiasm for a better life!

  • 7.06.2023

Have you ever queried yourself? What are your responsibilities, your duties, what you should do and what you shouldn’t and how you actually live.

I do not remember when I first asked myself these questions, however, there is no single day that I didn’t think about these questions in the last few years.

I have a lot of friends who share my thoughts and maybe there are millions of people around the world like us. I think, getting more conscious of mankind day after day cause this situation.

The common feature of most of us is that we continue our daily lives in a normal way after these interrogations. After feeling the little suffering of our souls, we find ourselves in having fun with friends, concentrating on our jobs or we throw ourselves into the arms of our beloved to find some consolation and serenity. Even though the enthusiasm in all of us creates sparks to change this situation, very few of us are able to blaze enough to change somethings.