On Reading, Writing and Living From Schopenhauer

  • 11.12.2023

How humanity has changed like that? What happened to good people? Why is it so difficult to be just a good person? What we have done wrong or less?

This is not a situation that occurs suddenly. The distortions have increased step by step and reached this level. We released ourselves to the arms of time and it made us dizzy. Therefore we couldn’t see any problems in the society life. Few people understand the importance of the merits that distortions day by day, but they have no power to stop this. Many of us are blind, deaf and dumb against this situation. Many of us are blind, deaf and dumb against this situation and living like three monkeys.

So what is the importance of “reading” in all these problems? What can “reading” give us? How “reading” will solve these problems? It’s up to you. It’s up to what kind of readers you are.

If you are reading a book as a hobby in your free time, it will probably not any effect. Because while your eyes read, a thousand kinds of thoughts occupy your brain. You will wait for the time for what you are planned. Therefore you are not reading a book, you are hanging out with a book.