Every Human Is A Piece of Art: Reflection of Perfection

  • 7.06.2023

This is a genetic syndrome that may occur in one of 1000 live-born babies. In humans, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes in the nucleus of each cell. In Down syndrome, the 21st chromosome is triple, not double. So the total number of chromosomes is 47.

Nowadays, individuals with Down Syndrome can lead a comfortable and healthy life and can easily integrate into the society with the intense interest of families, the support of non-governmental organizations, close health follow-up, good educational opportunities and environmental support. Those with mild cognitive disability can be employed in jobs specific to their capacity and they can be a part of many social activities.

Many social responsibility projects are carried out in order to take attention to the differences among individuals with Down Syndrome. One of them was made in 2015 by portrait photographer Soela Zani. Within the framework of a three-year project (with the support of the Albanian Down Syndrome Foundation), she realized a photographic project with the motto “Every human is a piece of art and deserves to be treated accordingly” using 14 models of Down Syndrome in Albania.