Why do we want to buy more? | The Diderot Effect

  • 10.10.2023

There is a fact in our lives called the excitement of shopping, the happiness it brings. Of course, the subsequent desire to purchase more. So why do we want to buy more? Here in this article, I will be scribble on the “Diderot Effect”, which exactly focuses on this.

I came across Diderot’s story in a video on Youtube. When I listened to his story and discerned that it was a part of what I was doing, I began to turn it into a real-life example.

I am working in the marketing department at a company, and there’s nothing more valuable than our visitors or customers completing their visit with a purchase. And my success is related to my ability to better manage the process here.

As I read the Diderot Effect, I realized a process that I was actually going through. It all started with me buying a shirt. While sitting one evening, I clicked on a notification from an e-commerce website and when I saw the shirts on the discount, I immediately bought 3.

Even though I didn’t need it too much, it would not be bad for me to buy new shirts. Then, the day the shirts were delivered to me, a discount started on the brand’s website, and the shirt prices were far below the price I paid for before. Therefore I straight off returned two of the shirts I had bought and bought 4 more shirts from this website.

Well, I bought some shirts, but I was still not too elegant. I thought I would better buy some more chic pants bottom of them and instantly threw myself into the mall. While browsing there, I could not resist myself when I saw a set consisting of 2 pants and 2 shirts in a shop with incredibly tempting price, and bought this set from there.

I had purchased 7 shirts (except the ones I returned) and a pair of pants in just 5 days. Then it was time for the accessories. It would be impossible if I lined up that many shirts and trousers and didn’t get a wristwatch. I put my plan into action to buy one, which I had been thinking about for a long time and postponed because it was not necessary, with a quick decision I bought the wristwatch.

Before my wristwatch was delivered, I started looking for belts and shoes. During that time I confront the Diderot Effect and I said to myself "Stop! What are you doing?"