Why You Should Work With an Entrepreneur?

  • 11.12.2023

One of the things I wanted most was to have my own company, which still is. What made me realize exactly what I wanted was working directly with an entrepreneur for about two and a half years.

So why you should work with an entrepreneur?

My former bosses were at the head of an e-commerce site, where they founded at very young age, which grew with high momentum, got investments, and became the leader of the industry while challenging the companies which have substantial financial power. They kept up the company somehow when the competitors started to fall like flies.

Unfortunately, e-commerce is a very difficult sector now. The price sensitivity of the online shopping audience is very high. In addition to that, In addition, the service quality, delivery times and operational expectations they want to receive are escalating day by day to higher standards. As the competition heats up, unfortunately, vertical e-commerce sites are drifting into chaos day by day.

The times when I began to be part of this war has coincided at the very early stages of my career. Although I’m still at the very beginning of it, I think working with an entrepreneur was one of the best choices of my career. Perhaps, I started taking the responsibilities I could have taken after 5–6 years, just within 6–7 months. I was lack of many qualifications because I was inexperienced. But still, I have closed this gap quickly.