Wrong Ways, Bad Decisions, Burnout, and Wonderful Experiences

  • 7.06.2023

We all know that every step that will carry us forward has a price. However, while the price paid by some is very low, the price that others pay to take the same step can be disastrous.

Here in this article, I will tell you what the steps I have taken to go forward took from me and where I made mistakes.

Not to say no!

Perhaps “not to say no” caused the hardest, most exhausting times of my life. I say “not to say” because mine was a choice, I chose “not to say no”. There are two results of “not to say no”. On one hand, you can contribute a lot to yourself, you can steal from your life on the other.

After I changed my job, I realized how long I did not spare time for myself. I was so immersed in my thoughts about my job. I said goodbye little by little to all that I love outside of my job.