12 Universal Principles Of Communication

  • 5.09.2023

However, 12 dynamics of communication are universal, which are a must for healthy communication wherever you go around the world. Assuming that people from very different cultures will probably read this article, if you come across an item that is not included in your culture, you can open this article for discussion by stating it in the comments.

Now let’s take a look at these 12 principles and their contents.

1) First Impression;

90% of the first impression occurs in 90 Seconds. Therefore, we can regretfully say that our appearance is one step ahead of us. My humble advice to you is to dress clean, smile, and be free from prejudice.

To interact with people and communicate well, you must keep both your mind and eyes open and see events in good faith.

2) Stay Away From Pessimism;

The most important element in communication is to know and be aware of oneself. People who cannot do this can only find out why this problem occurs when there is a problem with the other party by asking themselves.

Being pessimistic in communication, overestimating or underestimating, imposing discourses, or filtering (getting stuck in some words/situations and not thinking about the rest) are unhealthy techniques.