“The real tragedy would be if we come through this pandemic without changing for the better”

  • 5.09.2023

An unprecedented epidemic is bringing the world in order. We have to think wisely and carefully. We have borrowed a lot from the bank of the future, and now nature is collecting it from us. And all we need is an awareness call. What we had wrong and what can we do better now?

As we tried to dominate wild nature, wild species got closer to us, and animal microbes spread to humans. Now nature responds to our arrogance. Nature, which has been irreversibly destroyed by human hands, finally it’s begin to speak.

An invisible ‘enemy’ is forcing people to think about what they do. Are we going to come out of this epidemic by losing our humanity, or will we be able to hear the call of conscience that resonates within us?

A person facing this challenge does not stay the same, it changes. It is very important how this epidemic affects us. Are we going to say ’me first‘ or ’we first’? Are we going to speak in the language of compassion or wrap ourselves in the cover of selfishness?

I think that after the epidemic, the society will come to its senses and finally remember what it has lost. What can I offer people? What can I do for people who are more needy than I am? How can I be a better and more useful person? Now those are going to be the quarterback questions.